Thursday, February 17, 2011

Leader and servant

Yesterday i read a passage in Mathew (20:26): "Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve...."

I thought that was such a powerful message. I never have thought the line between being a leader and a servant can be that fluid. In fact, you need to serve and wanted to serve others first before you can begin to think about the prospective of being a leader. It is not a developmental process as in: after you done this (being a servant), you will have this (have a status of the leader), but those servant and leader characteristics stick with you no matter what status you may hold. In fact, serving others and having a servant hood attitude is the reason you are in leadership.

This passage made me think about my future when I will be a full time teacher and the prospective of being responsible for many students. I have to admit I was a bit scared. As the same time i was encouraged with the very thought that regardless of my many shortcomings, God has not loose hope in me and He has brought me this far.

Why serving others matter so much? Tell me what you think?